Agile at Scale

In this category of posts, discover the principles of Agile at Scale described in this blog as a combination of Spotify and SAFe, sometimes called Spotisafe. Those principles cover League, Agile Squad Design, Horizontal Management and the change in roles and responsibilities.
What is Agile at Scale? How does it combine the Spotify Model and SAFe?
What is the definition and the value of Scaled Agile? And, how Agile at Scale combine market frameworks: the Spotify Model, Large Scale Scrum (LeSS), Scrum of Scrum, Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe)?
And what is an Agile Squad in the Spotify Model?
Understand the definition, the characteristics of an Agile Squad in Agile at Scale with a look on the relation with the production and architecture leagues. Then, review the key roles, especially the Scrum Master and the Product Owner.
What are a Chapter and a Guild in the Spotify Model?
Discover the definition and the characteristics of a Chapter and a Guild in Agile at Scale. Then, review the role of the Chapter Manager.
Then, what is a Tribe in the Spotify Model?
Learn the definition and the characteristics of a Tribe in Agile at Scale. Furthermore, see the role of the Tribe Manager.
What is a Product Management Team in Agile at Scale?
Discover the definition and the characteristics of a Product Management Team in Agile at Scale. Then, learn how a PMT interacts with the Product Owners.
And, what are Agile at Scale and SAFe synchronization mechanisms?
Go through the 3 types of synchronization mechanisms depending on the level of dependency between Agile Squads. Then, find out about the meta sprint that is the Agile at Scale meta iteration and the Agile at Scale ceremonies.
What is a League in Agile at Scale? What is the difference with a Guild?
Understand the definition and the characteristics of a League in Agile at Scale. Firstly, point out the differences with a Chapter or a Guild. Secondly, review the role of the League Manager and the League Members.
How to design Agile Squads? How to align them on the Value Chains?
Explore the principles of alignment on Value Chains. Firstly, limit the need for scaling agile when possible. Secondly, know how to align the Tribes and the Agile Squads on the Value Chains. At last, learn about the set up of an Agile Train for cross organization initiatives.
What is the Spotify Management? Why going for horizontal management?
Understand vertical and horizontal managements. Then learn the reasons for going for horizontal management. Furthermore, explore the prerequisites of horizontal management and team empowerment. Find out what is the journey to Agile Squad’s autonomy.
The, what are the roles and responsibilities impacted in Agile at Scale?
Explore the roles and related responsibilities impacted in Agile at Scale. See how these responsibilities are reallocated.
How do Agile and Agile at Scale change Project Management?
Find out the change of paradigm on scope, budget, planning coming with Agile. Firstly, investigate the Agile at Scale impacts when aligning Agile Squads on Value Chains. Finally, review the proper set up for Project Management based on the level of dependencies between the Agile Squads.
What is Agile at Scale Project Portfolio Management?
Discover how Agile at Scale changes Project Portfolio Management. Then, check the benefits and limits in Agile at Scale when aligning Tribes to the related business. Review how to mitigate these limits.
Can an Agile project be fixed price
How to deliver Agile development in a fixed price contract? And, how to mix Agile, Scrum and the Waterfall method in an Agile fixed price project?
How to deal with Release Management in Agile with Sprints?
How to articulate Sprint and Release Management? And, how to book capacity for Release Management when the contributors are working in the Sprints? At last, how to make sure Release Management tasks are properly delivered?