Eric from Wind4Change

Product Team vs Feature Team: what is the difference, as explained by Marty Cagan in Inspired and Empowered

What is a Product Team and what is the difference with a Feature Team? Surely, beyond the vocabulary, Marty Cagan explains in his books Inspired and Empowered the difference of concepts behind Product Team and Feature Team.

Product Team vs Feature Team: what is the difference, as explained by Marty Cagan in Inspired and Empowered Read More »

Product Management: Product Discovery and Product Delivery based on Inspired and Empowered by Marty Cagan

Product Management consists of Product Discovery and Product Delivery happening at the same time and interconnected. Product Management covers the 4 dimensions of a product: value, usability, feasibility and business viability.

Product Management: Product Discovery and Product Delivery based on Inspired and Empowered by Marty Cagan Read More »

What is Product Design? Based on The Design of Everyday Things by Don Norman.

Product Design consists in 3 domains of Design: Industrial Design, Interaction Design and Experience Design. The 7 fundamental principles of design as described by Don Norman consist in 2 areas grouping 7 principles. Understanding area covers Discoverability and Conceptual model. Discoverability area covers Affordances, Signifiers, Mappings, Constraints and Feedback.

What is Product Design? Based on The Design of Everyday Things by Don Norman. Read More »

Jira Project from Atlassian software for Agile, Scrum and Kanban in a nutshell

Jira is a software from Atlassian. Jira was originally a ticketing system for bug and request management that evolved to cover agile project management either Scrum or Kanban. In this post, we will introduce Jira software with its model, its navigation and its core functionalities. Surely, Jira is well documented but the materials are quite rich and the tool does have a logic of its own.

Jira Project from Atlassian software for Agile, Scrum and Kanban in a nutshell Read More »

Design Sprint from Google Venture by Jake Knapp

Design Sprint inspired from Design Thinking is a 5-step process conducted by an interdisciplinary team over a working week. Clearly, its purpose is to reduce risk of a new product or service by confirming the main assumptions or unknown with rapid prototyping and testing. Design Sprint consists in 5 steps after a preparation phase to set the stage: on Monday, Understand the problem, on Tuesday, Ideate on competing sketches of prototype, on Wednesday, Decide and plan for the Prototype, on Thursday, Build the Prototype, and finally, on Friday, Test the Prototype with customers.

Design Sprint from Google Venture by Jake Knapp Read More »

Design Thinking by Stanford d school and Ideo

Design Thinking also called Human-Centered Design is a structured exploratory approach putting human being at the center to solve complex problems and/or create innovative products and services. Design Thinking starts with humans and their needs, fears and hopes to design a solution that is at the same time desirable, technically feasible, and economically viable.

Design Thinking by Stanford d school and Ideo Read More »

The World Café by Juanita Brown and David Isaacs

The world café, invented in 1995 by Juanita Brown and David Isaacs, is a large audience workshop organized as a conversation process between small groups. It is based on 7 principles: set the frame, create a safe & comfortable space, explore questions that matter, encourage everyone’s contribution, cross-pollinate & connect ideas, listen together for patterns & insights, and at last, harvest & share collective discoveries.

The World Café by Juanita Brown and David Isaacs Read More »

Turn the ship around, the Leader-Leader model by Captain David Marquet

Turn the ship around is the book from captain David Market who implemented radical delegation when he took charge of the submarine Santa Fe. The summary of this approach called the Leader-Leader model aims at giving the control to the staff by building mastery, aka competence, and providing clarity, in other words purpose.

Turn the ship around, the Leader-Leader model by Captain David Marquet Read More »

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